Here's a comprehensive overview of TwistNext DNA methylation sequencing analysis pipeline:
FASTQC: Performs quality control checks on raw sequence data.
TRIM_GALORE: Trims adapters and low-quality bases from the reads.
BISMARK_ALIGN: Aligns bisulfite-treated reads to a reference genome.
BISMARK_DEDUPLICATE: Removes PCR duplicates from the aligned reads.
SAMTOOLS_SORT: Sorts the aligned and deduplicated BAM files.
SAMTOOLS_INDEX: Indexes the sorted BAM files for efficient access.
QUALIMAP: Generates quality control metrics for the aligned reads.
BISMARK_METHYLATION_EXTRACTOR: Extracts methylation calls from the aligned reads.
BISMARK_REPORT: Generates a summary report of the Bismark alignment and methylation extraction.
MULTIQC: Aggregates quality control reports from various steps into a single report.
EDGER_ANALYSIS: Performs differential methylation analysis using the EdgeR package.
METHYLKIT_ANALYSIS: Performs differential methylation analysis using the methylKit package.
POST_PROCESSING: Generates summary statistics and visualizations of the differential methylation results.
GO_ANALYSIS: Generates GOChord diagram from the gene ontology analysis results.
Last updated